Asphalt shingles have been a popular roofing material for decades. They are amazing because of their durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic beauty. However, like all other roofing materials, shingles wear out due to poor maintenance or when exposed to harsh external conditions. When this happens, the asphalt roof is likely to lose its granules and become weaker and unreliable. It is, therefore, important to check when the roof is losing its granules and get a timely roof repair service.
Here are some of the top reasons why your asphalt roof could start losing granules and why you should invest in a roof repair service in good time.
When the Roof Is New
It is common for a newly installed shingle roof to lose some of its granules. The loss comes from the fact that some of the granules will be loose from the manufacturing process. Often, the tiles come overloaded to overcompensate for any erosion that might occur during and immediately after the installation. You do not have to worry if you notice that your shingles are losing granules during the first few weeks.
The granules might flow down the gutters and appear in the water running off from the roof. However, the problem should stop within a few weeks. If it persists several months after the installation process, then you need a roofer to assess the problem and repair the damaged areas.
When the Roof Ages
The second reason why your roof could be shedding shingles is age. As the roof gets older, weather elements like the wind, rain, ice, and snow will be acting on the surface. The gradual wear and tear weaken the surface of the shingles, and they start disintegrating from the surface of the tiles. That's why it is advisable to regularly contact an expert in roof repair service to check the condition of the roof damage.
If they find that the granules have gotten eroded to the point of the roof having bald spots, they will fix the problem before it aggravates. If the shingle damage is partial and repairable, the roofer will fix it immediately. But if it's not, they may opt to replace the shingles.
When the Roof Blisters
Blisters on asphalt shingles typically result from cosmetic problems. In fact, some of the defects come from the manufacturing process. You can easily overlook the blistering when the roof is new or when the problem is localized to small areas. However, if blistering expands and covers the entire roof, you might have a more serious problem to handle. Calling in a roofer for timely assessment and roof repair is the best way to maintain your roof in good shape.
Call a professional roofing contractor to check the status of your shingles. They will help you determine whether the shingles need minimal repairs or if you should replace the entire roof.