In Case of Emergency, Call a Roofer

The Basic Steps Of DIY Roof Inspection And Maintenance

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about your roof until you're at the dinner table and water is raining on your plate. Unfortunately, by then, it is far too late. You will undoubtedly incur an expensive roof repair bill, and dinner will be a wash. If you'd like to avoid unnecessary roof repair costs, stress, and wasted food, performing a regular roof inspection yourself can be an effective preventative measure. By practicing DIY roof inspections, you can find signs of wear, debris, and compromised roof integrity before they develop into more extensive and costly forms of roof damage. Once you've identified a roof hazard, you can call your local roofing professionals to resolve the issue for a much more manageable fee. If you'd like to use this preventative measure to save money on roof expenses, there are a few essential things to do during your DIY roof inspections. If you'd like to inspect and maintain your roofing, learn the basic steps of DIY roof inspection and maintenance below.

Use a Roof Ladder

Ladders come in various shapes and sizes. However, if your home lacks a fixed ladder, as is often the case, you'll need a mobile roof leader for the job. Roof ladders can either be self-supporting or non-self-supporting. Self-supporting ladders are also known as step ladders or A-frame ladders. As the name suggests, these ladders can stand on their own. However, self-supporting ladders require an area of flat ground that spans at least a few feet so the ladder can maintain stability. Non-self-supporting ladders lean on nearby objects and structures to maintain stability. During roof inspections, you'll place these ladders against the side of your roof. You'll want to practice ladder safety by never stepping on the top three rungs of the ladder, or you'll risk tipping it over, injuring yourself or others. If you are concerned about ladder safety, contact your roofing specialists to perform the inspection for you.

Clear Away Vegetation

If you have trees near your home, especially if the branches are above your roof, you'll want to check the integrity of the tree branches. If the tree branches show signs of weakness or rotting, they may be at risk for falling onto your roof, causing untold damage and expenses. Trim and prune away at these hazardous branches to ensure that this risk never comes to fruition. Clear excess leaves and debris that the trees may have left to get a clearer view of the roof's surface. If you notice moss on your rooftop or are concerned about the risk of falling branches, contact your roofing specialist to perform maintenance for you.


Roof maintenance is a critical aspect of maintaining one's home. While DIY roof inspections and maintenance can be safe and effective, they are no replacement for professional roofing services. If you're experiencing roof trouble, consult your local roofing specialist today. Your roof and your dinner patrons will thank you!